
Some say that digital media is ruining the current generations views on education and overall making them/ the present generation lazy. Not only is everything at our fingertips but most people don’t see the need to research through books, and newspapers/ encyclopedias the way parents and grandparents of the current generation up and coming did. We currently see the digital age using the internet platforms, and social media as a way to get information easier and they tend to believe everything they read. In reality the real question is, is the current digital age making us less intelligent or creating a new form of participatory culture that is creating our knowledge to expand rather than stay stale in just what history has to offer? Throughout postings from Jimmy Kimmel, to posts on Selfies, the video group has excessed to learn more about the current public ped­a­gogy that the digital age is offering. We learn from Memes, YouTube videos, and even films themselves on how we create a better society just based off what everyone is sharing from online discussion. By using the cura­tion of past digital eras, and other forms of orality and literacy picked up from generations we find ourselves in an age where everyone is helping everyone. Discussing videos/other media forms gave us the ability to touch a little bit onto the other groups during this course. Coming across articles like a scientist using an online game to have the public help put different cures for cancers together to see if someone might come up with a cure for breast cancer. Going online based off readings like the Jenkins readings, opened up new doors to a digital era that was unknown to some of us. Never could you think that a Meme could be taught in a class as something useful and that terms like “fidelity fecundity, longevity” relate to a meme, or that the term “selfie” could spread world wide and be used to create an international movie. Also digging through readings and learning that by using different forms of teaching would be more acceptable and students would be more involved if their learned was using more media based gadgets, readings, etc. The idea that we as students in a digital generation could use our digital knowledge for more than just posting the most recent touchdown of our favorite team. I’ve personally learned that the digital area of remixes, memes, mashups, parodies, humor, etc, are something we can use to broaden our knowledge rather just for enjoyment. That through some of theses genres we have the ability to reach a wider audience and if we follow certain key concepts like selecting a specific group to present to, that we to could create something that is worthwhile and useful to present day society.


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