How to make a Lyric Video.

In order to create a successful lyric video with full copyrights to the artist who made the physical song, is to first pick a song that holds meaning and something you can work with. You want to use images that the community you are sharing the lyric video with will be impressed with the performance of your video and be willing to share and make your video more spreadable around there community. According to “If It Doesn’t Spread, It’s Dead (Part Eight): The Value of Spreadable Media” by Jenkins, we need to “generate active commitment for the audience. If we have a continuous image in the background behind the lyrics that is pulling focus away from the lyrics it’ll distract the viewer and cause them to be distracted from what we want them to see. Second if we create a popular video it’ll be spread by “word-of- mouth”(Jenkins) and create a more meaningful and have more hits on the web then other videos. We are posting the video online for a certain pool (Jenkins) of people. 

Step one: Pick a song

It can be any song as long as you’re familiar to it and can find the correct lyrics or you understand the lyrics fully. For this I’ll use, to help me with the lyrics so its easier to go about making the video rather than writing out the lyrics by hand. 

Step two: Organization


Organization is key. Somewhere on your desktop have a folder where you keep everything for one specific video in it, all the images, lyrics, the song itself keep in a folder so when creating the lyric video you have easy access and can easily find what you need on your desktop.


Step three: Finding your video creator/ Start the process

iMovie is very helpful and easier to work with when creating a lyric video. First you start off a new project, and come with a clear page to work with. After picking your title section you want to use you place the lyrics in. Once finding your titles you start placing the lyrics and choosing your transitions. When doing the titles make sure you select a legible font and color that sticks out just enough that it’s easily seen. If you pick something to bright the viewer will not be able to read it, if you pick something to dark, it will be ineligible. When picking the font, the color, the background, consider your community/ audience. The nostalgia behind each color can be significant especially certain bands use a certain font on their album cover you may consider using that specific font when creating the lyric video. Some fan clubs even have specific images related to the bands or singers that are significant when creating a video. If making a video for a Katy Perry song you may consider using her famous cat image, or florescent backgrounds because of her album works. The majority of her work is very playful. When creating a video for a band like Avenged Sevenfold you wouldn’t want to use rainbow images and colorful background due to the fact they use a skull with wings as their emblem for the majority of their album covers. Consider your audience to a max when creating your video.

pick title2

 1lyrics on screen and everything organized

Step four: Release


Make sure there isn’t any “unfinished content” when doing this  watch the lyric video several times, make sure there are no misspellings or glitches in the video while playing. Try to make it as flawless as you can.

With the release of your video consider where you should upload it. Do you want to make it a Vimeo, a YouTube video, or post it on a website for your viewing and whomever views your site. If you want to make it spreadable and have more views when it comes to a lyric video, YouTube is your best option.

According to Virginia Kuhn you take a risk with YouTube as well because they have so many hidden lines of blocking what can be on YouTube because of copyright issues but as long as you accredit the right people you shouldn’t have a problem.



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