Will People Ever Change?

In relation to “If It Doesn’t Spread, It’s Dead (Part Six): Spreadable Content” by Jenkins, I found an interesting video on YouTube, that was a segment from the hit series “What Would You Do” that reminds me of what Jenkins refers to as Spreadable Content and also relates to the rumors of racist companies. On this segment of “What Would You Do” we see a Latino male getting beaten up by three white guys and is seen as “Mexican Hunting”, stuff like this happens everyday but it took a TV show to make the majority of people become aware of it. Will people change their views on Hispanics, Latinos, or Mexicans, personally in my opinion probably not but just because of a TV show people become more aware (Spread of Content) but unfortunately this spread wont change people but at least they’ll be aware of it. This is a type of spread that the community will be aware of but nothing will change except only a handful.

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