Warm-UP- List

List/ Post

Autobio/Family – Me-Li, Boo, Squishy, Lil Rawr, Chica, Bubbles, Jeffery

*http://www.usatf.org/events/1998/JuniorOlympics/460-1.HTM My Sister (training)

*Spain Life- 10464021_10152300082378124_3957620992670155271_n

*Mexico Life-

Houston, Texas

Community/Social-  Facebook, Photos, Oath- Cher Lloyd, Alien ant farm smooth criminal , Non College goers. 

School/Career field- Dream Jobs: Disney Animation, Espn, Marvel Movies, Current Job: Writing Instructors Assistant

Entertainment/Culture- Movies, Music (Spotify, Love Every type of music, New Girl, How I Met Your Mother (Pulling them off) 9c728bda48a8f3311086f79ef5b8b73c


Disney Princesses

blue/ black

“Houston, WE have a problem”

“give me the serenity to accept what cannot be changed,The courage to change what can be changed,and the wisdom to know the one from the other”

City Life

Nieces and Nephews

Sisters- 34f1a8fa398f593f94962c2b07b3ecfc


Health issues in Family

Artistic ability – Gun violence piece

International Artist

Fault in Our Stars (BEST MOVIE)


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Blog post- Mash up

When looking at mashups like Glees Pretty Unpretty mash up- they are using the unexpected recognition of what can be related to within the episode itself, using the typical girls having issues with their appearance and using plastic surgery as a way out to be what society creates beautiful. Which every person can relate to in some way. By using the original lyrics of “I Feel Pretty” and the lyrics for “Unpretty” by TLC, we use two different voices to blend a different meaning of what is considered pretty and what isn’t.  This idea relates back to the reading with “transform source material and create something new”, by using two different songs from two different generation of pop songs, it hits the idea of self confidence for a girl/woman or even males, can be an idea that grows, never ending in society. By showing this scene in a popular hit series they show the important idea that teenagers present day are confused on their looks.




The Twilight Meme is a prefect example of what the reading was discussing with the contemporary composition study that was down. When relating to the rhetorical velocity as a concern of invention and the questions like “1.who is interest?, 2 Why do they want to recompose my work?…” and using the Twilight meme as an example we can see during the time that Twilight was out, it was reaching a vast amount of people in various countries, from all ages. So it was easily picked up, but with the various fans you do get critics and people who think that Twilight is seen as “stupid”, so they create memes based off serious scenes of the movie. 

How to make a Lyric Video.

In order to create a successful lyric video with full copyrights to the artist who made the physical song, is to first pick a song that holds meaning and something you can work with. You want to use images that the community you are sharing the lyric video with will be impressed with the performance of your video and be willing to share and make your video more spreadable around there community. According to “If It Doesn’t Spread, It’s Dead (Part Eight): The Value of Spreadable Media” by Jenkins, we need to “generate active commitment for the audience. If we have a continuous image in the background behind the lyrics that is pulling focus away from the lyrics it’ll distract the viewer and cause them to be distracted from what we want them to see. Second if we create a popular video it’ll be spread by “word-of- mouth”(Jenkins) and create a more meaningful and have more hits on the web then other videos. We are posting the video online for a certain pool (Jenkins) of people. 

Step one: Pick a song

It can be any song as long as you’re familiar to it and can find the correct lyrics or you understand the lyrics fully. For this I’ll use http://www.metrolyrics.com/after-midnight-lyrics-blink-182.html, to help me with the lyrics so its easier to go about making the video rather than writing out the lyrics by hand. 

Step two: Organization


Organization is key. Somewhere on your desktop have a folder where you keep everything for one specific video in it, all the images, lyrics, the song itself keep in a folder so when creating the lyric video you have easy access and can easily find what you need on your desktop.


Step three: Finding your video creator/ Start the process

iMovie is very helpful and easier to work with when creating a lyric video. First you start off a new project, and come with a clear page to work with. After picking your title section you want to use you place the lyrics in. Once finding your titles you start placing the lyrics and choosing your transitions. When doing the titles make sure you select a legible font and color that sticks out just enough that it’s easily seen. If you pick something to bright the viewer will not be able to read it, if you pick something to dark, it will be ineligible. When picking the font, the color, the background, consider your community/ audience. The nostalgia behind each color can be significant especially certain bands use a certain font on their album cover you may consider using that specific font when creating the lyric video. Some fan clubs even have specific images related to the bands or singers that are significant when creating a video. If making a video for a Katy Perry song you may consider using her famous cat image, or florescent backgrounds because of her album works. The majority of her work is very playful. When creating a video for a band like Avenged Sevenfold you wouldn’t want to use rainbow images and colorful background due to the fact they use a skull with wings as their emblem for the majority of their album covers. Consider your audience to a max when creating your video.

pick title2

 1lyrics on screen and everything organized

Step four: Release


Make sure there isn’t any “unfinished content” when doing this  watch the lyric video several times, make sure there are no misspellings or glitches in the video while playing. Try to make it as flawless as you can.

With the release of your video consider where you should upload it. Do you want to make it a Vimeo, a YouTube video, or post it on a website for your viewing and whomever views your site. If you want to make it spreadable and have more views when it comes to a lyric video, YouTube is your best option.

According to Virginia Kuhn you take a risk with YouTube as well because they have so many hidden lines of blocking what can be on YouTube because of copyright issues but as long as you accredit the right people you shouldn’t have a problem.



Will People Ever Change?

In relation to “If It Doesn’t Spread, It’s Dead (Part Six): Spreadable Content” by Jenkins, I found an interesting video on YouTube, that was a segment from the hit series “What Would You Do” that reminds me of what Jenkins refers to as Spreadable Content and also relates to the rumors of racist companies. On this segment of “What Would You Do” we see a Latino male getting beaten up by three white guys and is seen as “Mexican Hunting”, stuff like this happens everyday but it took a TV show to make the majority of people become aware of it. Will people change their views on Hispanics, Latinos, or Mexicans, personally in my opinion probably not but just because of a TV show people become more aware (Spread of Content) but unfortunately this spread wont change people but at least they’ll be aware of it. This is a type of spread that the community will be aware of but nothing will change except only a handful.

Blog #2

The Counting Song (Censored) is a historical view on the original just “Counting Song” produced by Sesame Street. In relation to the Remix reading for today it hits all the levels of a Remix, especially the part of being creative. “The remix is meant to do something new.” (pg 52) when looking at this quote in relation to The Counting Song (Censored) we can see that the censored version was made as a parody, to make the typical “kid” song seem very “sexual”. The typical lyrics are not seen sexual in any matter or use profanity at all,

“I count slowly, slowly, slowly getting faster
Once I’ve started counting it’s really hard to stop
Faster, faster. It is so exciting!
I could count forever, count until I drop..” (The Counting Song) 

but by taking out the word count form the song, we drastically change the meaning,

“I *bleep* slowly, slowly, slowly getting faster…” (The Counting Song (Censored)). This small change of just “bleeping” over the word count, and counting, the video creator did a huge piece of what was in the reading by using critical expression to deepen the meaning of something that was once already created. It completely broadens the range of context. Even though most parents wouldn’t prefer letting their child watch the censored version instead of the original, the video itself still remains the same and untouched, its just the song that has “bleeps” censoring certain words. Just this minor change could cause the producers of Sesame Street to shut it down but they haven ‘t yet. 

Exercise 1- BLR Bad Lip Reading

     BLR Bad Lip Reading, is a YouTube channel completely dedicated to lip reading of popular films such as Twilight, popular sports like football, singing, presidential debates and etc. The specific video that has made it virally due to its spreadability is,  ““THE NFL : A Bad Lip Reading”- A bad Lip Reading of the NFL”. This video was published January 15, 2013 and has had over 53 million views on YouTube, which is nothing comparable to “Charlie bit my finger”, but still a popular video that the vast majority (especially football fans) would recognize it. What made this video so viral is because of its way of hitting several different media cultures in our present age. It’s ability to get the typical “sports” fan, parody fan, the film fan, and in a way the ventriloquist fan is what creates a sense of stickiness. The ability to latch itself into several different media outlets gives it a unidimensional way of spreading. Being so famous this video was able to use its fidelity with the common “sports” fan gave it the ability to spread quicker because every fan was wanting to see their favorite NFL Player saying something “out of the ordinary” like Brady saying “Oh I’m White!”, or even a coach saying something like “I want cake now.. I want it now!”. Also the commodious jokes that the lip reading has during the video created a popular demand for more videos like it. In 2014 this video created such a stir it created a sequel that would have an even bigger uproar than the first and became a foundation to some marketing strategies to some commercials to integrate some of the basics of the video itself into their commercials during the 2014 Super Bowl game.

            In relation to the  ““THE NFL : A Bad Lip Reading”- A bad Lip Reading of the NFL”. This became a popular way of entertainment creating fecundity to the Lip Reading video. Lip Reading now has become so popular it’s on TV Shows, used in music videos, and used in so much else. For example The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon has a segment where they do lip sync battles with celebrities and that itself causes attention. Using the foundations that the  ““THE NFL : A Bad Lip Reading”- A bad Lip Reading of the NFL”. Has created we might start seeing more sports editions of bad Lip Readings. We may even see a Bad Lip Reading video of segments from the world cup that just ended and how Argentina felt losing to Germany. With  ““THE NFL: A Bad Lip Reading”- A bad Lip Reading of the NFL” video there is endless possibilities because of how favorable it is and how it can be easily spread from a Movie to a Sports edition.

            In conclusion  ““THE NFL : A Bad Lip Reading”- A bad Lip Reading of the NFL” further can help define participatory culture because of the way it is so relatable to a vast amount of different media cultures due to its “stickiness” and how easily spreadable it can be and also due to its fecundity. Something as basic as lip reading is seen a hilarious to the vast majority of people who watch parody videos or just commodious videos online and this type of video is going to keep being produced because people want to watch move of it. Making this video more than just viral but a foundation for more “viral” videos to come about.


Entry 1

My name is Rosamelia Loredo, I go by Meli. I’m doing a double degree in Film Studies and Studio Arts, and also double minoring in TAM, and Business. I’m currently a 3rd year student, and my interest in this class consist of being interested in writing overall and my personal interest in the digital age itself. Currently i’m a writing IA for the SASC program here at CU so I’m really invested in writing overall and want to improve my writing about digital media. Par­tic­i­pa­tory Culture, could bee seen as a culture everyone in the community participates in.